गायन / वक्तृत्त्व / डबिंगची आवड असणाऱ्यांसाठी
आवाज (स्वर) संस्कार आणि संवर्धन
ऑनलाइन कार्यशाळा
मार्गदर्शक: योगेश सोमण
अभिनेता, पटकथा लेखक, दिग्दर्शक
संकल्पना: प्रा. क्षितिज पाटुकले
आयोजक: विश्व मराठी परिषद, द्वारा साहित्य सेतू

कुणासाठी अधिक उपयुक्त - खरतर सर्वांसाठी ...ज्यांना अभिनेता, गायक, डबिंग, रेडिओ जॉकी, वक्ता, राजकीयनेता, वकील, राजकीय – सामाजिक कार्यकर्ते, असे करिअर करायचे आहेत तसेच प्राध्यापक, शिक्षक, कीर्तनकार, प्रवचनकार, कलाकार, डॉक्टर, इ. सर्वांसाठी अतिशय उपयुक्त कार्यशाळा...
५ दिवस - रोज १ तास
दि: १४ ते १८ जुलै २०२० वेळ: सायंकाळी ७ ते ८ वा
कार्यशाळेतील मधील मुद्दे:
१) आवाज कुणाचा ? आवाज कशाला ?
२) आवाज हेच भांडवल
३) उत्तम आवाजाची गरज कोणाला ? कलाकार, वकील, नेते, इ. प्रत्येकाला
४) आवाज, स्वर आणि पट्टी यांची ओळख
५) आवजाचा रियाझ, व्यायाम, संरक्षण आणि संवर्धन
६) आवाजामुळे करिअर संधी
Recognised Institute by Central Sanskrit University (RISPE-CSU)

Admissions are Open | Classes will commence from 14 August 2024
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Course Overview: The Diploma in Sanskrit Bhasha Parichaya offers a profound journey into the essence of Sanskrit, illuminating its significance as a vessel of our cultural heritage and intellectual legacy. As one of the oldest languages, Sanskrit serves as a gateway to unraveling the mysteries of our past and connecting with the wisdom of ancient civilizations.
Through this comprehensive course, students embark on a transformative exploration of Sanskrit as more than just a language. They delve into its intricate grammar, syntax, and semantics, gaining a nuanced understanding of its structure and evolution over centuries. Moreover, the curriculum delves into the diverse literary treasures housed within the Sanskrit tradition, ranging from epic poetry and philosophical treatises to scientific texts and religious scriptures.
By immersing themselves in Sanskrit literature, learners not only enhance their linguistic proficiency but also cultivate a deeper appreciation for the profound insights and timeless wisdom embedded within these texts. From the Vedas and Upanishads to the works of Kalidasa and Valmiki, students engage with a rich tapestry of ideas that transcend time and space.
Ultimatey, the Diploma in Sanskrit Bhasha empowers students to not only decode ancient manuscripts but also to embark on a journey of self-discovery and intellectual enrichment. By embracing Sanskrit as a living tradition, emerge equipped to preserve and propagate our cultural heritage while forging new pathways of knowledge and understanding in the modern world.
What's in the course?
Ancient Language, Modern Twist – Click to Watch!
🌼Duration: 1 Year, From 14 Aug. 2024
🌼Eligibility – Min. 12th pass or equivalent
🌼Teaching Language – Hindi
🌼Age – No age Limit
🌼Study Material – Hard copy
🌼Study Material – Hindi or English
🌼Prior Sanskrit knowledge not required
🌼 2 Semesters
🌼 4 Papers (Subjects) per Semester
🌼 Total 8 Papers
🌼 4 Credits per Paper
🌼 2 Credits for Project
🌼 Exam / Tutorial - 1 credit Per Paper
🌼 Total Credits – 42
🌼Each session Duration - 90 Minutes (70 Min. Lecture + 20 Min Q & A)
🌼 Mode : Regular Mode
🌼 Classes will be conducted at Deccan Gymkhana, Pune
🌼 Online Classes and Recording will be available for the benefit of the students through LMS
🌼 One Community Session per month for Q & A will be organised on Zoom Live
🌼 Classes from 14 August 2024
🌼 Offline Class Timings: Every Sunday - 10:30 am to 5:30 pm
🌼 Online Support available
Fee Structure
1 Year: 28,200/-
If paid Semester Wise:
First Semester: 14600/- | Second Semester: 13600/-
Central Govt's Samarth Portal Fee for submitting Uni. Application Form: Fee Rs. 200/-
(Fees inclusive of Admission fee, Permanent registration fee, Tuition fee, Study material, Assessment, Examination fee, Supervision, Technical Support & Guidance fee, etc.)
Re-examination Fees: ₹1,000/- per subject
Diploma Syllabus
Paper 1 – Introduction to Indian Knowledge System
Learner should have basic idea and understanding of the concept of Indian knowledge system. IKS has multiple dimentions and inter connectivity. The applications at IKS are in day to day life. IKS has been evolved and developed through the voyage of centuries. Ancient Rishies, Munis and scholars have carried this vast base of knowledge systematically though oral traditions and people tradition. Learners should have overview of IKS.
Paper 2 - Grammar - I
The subject begins with an introduction to the language and its key grammatical roles (Karakas), progressing through detailed studies of nouns, adjectives, and verbs. Special attention is given to pronouns, prefixes, and indeclinables, equipping students with comprehensive language skills.
Paper 3 - Grammar - II
The subject covers key areas such as verb conjugations, phonetic combinations, voice distinctions, compound words, and advanced grammatical constructs. By the end of the program, students will have a robust understanding of Sanskrit, enabling them to engage deeply with classical texts and appreciate the linguistic heritage of this ancient language.
Paper 4 - Sanskrit Speaking and Writing Skill - I
"Sanskrit Speaking and Writing Skill - I" is designed to develop proficiency in both written and spoken Sanskrit. This course encompasses essential writing skills such as essay and dialogue writing, as well as an in-depth study of Sanskrit metres. Additionally, it focuses on enhancing conversational abilities in Sanskrit, enabling students to use the language fluently in everyday communication.
Paper 5 - Sanskrit Transation
It is designed to equip students with the skills required to translate texts between Sanskrit and Hindi/English. The curriculum focuses on both direct translation from Sanskrit and reverse translation into Sanskrit, with special emphasis on the translation of Subhashitas and verses.
Paper 6 - Sanskrit Literature – Classical and Modern
"Sanskrit Literature – Classical and Modern" provides a comprehensive exploration of the rich literary tradition of Sanskrit. Students will delve into classical poetry, drama, and story literature, as well as modern Sanskrit writings. This course aims to foster an appreciation for the literary achievements of Sanskrit across different eras, enhancing both cultural understanding and literary analysis skills.
Paper 7 - Sanskrit Speaking and Writing Skill - II
It is designed to further enhance students' proficiency in both written and spoken Sanskrit. Building on foundational skills, this course emphasizes creative and practical writing, including story, letter, and report writing, while also continuing to develop conversational abilities.
Paper 8 - Study of Dharma
Dharma is a very broad concept but it has been presented and percolated in a very complex and confused manner in a society at a large. Unfortunately Dharma is considered as equivalent to religion. It is very necessary and important to understand the baisc idea of dharma. Every student and learner need to be familiar of the foundations, functions and features of Dharma. Dharma is the way of living life, Dharma principles are guidelines for individual and society and balancing between individual, society and universe. Applications of Dharma are the basic rules of management of the relations between human and universe. Study of the Dharma will enlighten students that the real meaning of dharma and how it is different from religion.
100 marks for the subject
Written Exam – 60 Marks, Assignment – 20 Marks, Oral – 20 Marks
Project – 1 Project - Thesis & Presentation (Year End)
Passing – Min. 40% marks in each subject
(Note: The written Exam will be offline at various CSU centers around the India)
Opportunities - Employment... Self Employment... Professional
🎯 Faculty - As a professor, teacher, mentor, guide, and coach in Colleges, Universities, Institutions, Professional Organizations, the IT & Software Sectors, Digital Content Creation, etc..
🎯 Professional - IKS expert, IKS Consultant, IKS Director in Corporate Companies, Professional & Social Organizations, NGOs, Media Houses, Trade Associations, Travel & Tourism, Hospitality Sector, IT & Software sector, Digital Content Creation, etc.
🎯 Research - Research Scholar in National & International Research organizations, etc.
🎯 Social & Cultural - Event Management, Social, Cultural & Service Organizations, Hospitals & Health Care etc.
Please watch the following Opportunities Video:
Contact for any inquiries -
Head Office
WhatsApp: 8421951262
(Call) Mo: 8262981614 / 8421951262
Email: csu@bhishmaiks.org
Office Address:
622, Janaki Raghunath, Pulachi Wadi, Near Z Bridge, Hanuman Chowk, Deccan Gymkhana,
Pune - 411004 MH Bharat
Google Map 📍 - Click here to get directions
About Bhishma School of Indian Knowledge System
Bhishma School of Indian Knowledge System (BSIKS) is a pioneer institute in the field of Indian Knowledge System ( IKS ), Hindu Studies, and Indic Studies. BSIKS is a recognized Institute by Central Sanskrit University, Delhi (CSU). BSIKS also accredited globally by IACDSC, an international accreditation body. BSIKS has associations with Hindu Council of Australia, Dharmashree, Vijnyan Bharati, Vidya Bharati Uchha Shiksha Sansthan, IHAR - USA & India, etc. Bhishma School of Indian Knowledge System offers courses and programs from Certificate, Diploma to PhD, D.Litt. under various schools.
The whole range of knowledge system under these schools is multifarious, from the Vedas, and Upanishads to scriptural, philosophical, scientific, technological and artistic sources. The disciplines and domains of knowledge include logic, philosophy, language, technology and crafts, polity, economics and governance, ethics and sociological orders, architecture and engineering, pure sciences, earth sciences, bio sciences, poetics and aesthetics, law and justice, grammar, mathematics and astronomy, metrics, agriculture, mining, metallurgy, trade and commerce, Ayurved and yog, medicine and life sciences, geography, military science, weaponry, shipbuilding, navigation and maritime traditions, biology and veterinary science, music, dance, drama, carvings, paintings, spirituality, divinity, civilization study, culture & heritage etc. BSIKS is focusing on the revitalization of the major knowledge tradition i.e. 14 Vidyas- theoretical domains - and 64 Kalas-crafts, skill sets and arts that are useful in day-to-day living through its activities and programs.
About Central Sanskrit University
Central Sanskrit University (CSU), New Delhi (Formerly known as Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan) is Deemed to be a University under the Ministry of Education, Government of India created by an act of Parliament.
The Central Sanskrit University has the unique distinction of being the largest and the only multi-campus language university in the world. The Central Sanskrit University also has the privilege of acting as the nodal agency for the implementation of Sanskrit-related policies & and schemes of the Government of India. In that capacity, the university works in close coordination with the Ministry of Education, Government of India.
To confirm your Admission click on "Apply Now" and submit the form with payment.
Students across the Globe can Join this Course.
You can pay the amount in Bank or Online using Debit/Credit card / Online Banking, UPI / Wallets
You will receive batch details on WhatsApp and Email.
Refund Policy: Amount once paid is not refundable. Can be shifted to a different program if informed 2 weeks before commencement date. Read all information and prospectus before registering.
बातें IKS की...
Learn from our Mentors, about IKS Importance and Opportunities...
▶️ IKS और Hindu Studies में उज्जवल करिअर ! क्यो ? और कैसे?
प.पू. स्वामी गोविंददेव गिरि महाराज
▶️ IKS की शिक्षा क्यो जरुरी है ?
डॉ. कपिल कपूर
▶️ New Education Policy (NEP) and IKS कैसे बदलेगी भारत का भविष्य?
डॉ. विजय भटकर
▶️ Importance of Indian Knowledge System (IKS) with Archaeological Perspective
Dr. Vasant Shinde
Q 1. What is the IKS – Indian Knowledge System?IKS i.e. Indian Knowledge System is the knowledge system which is existing in India since thousands of years. It has a very huge base of knowledge, and it includes traditional, indigenous knowledge which is in practice till today. The whole range of knowledge systems under IKS is multifarious, from the Vedas, and Upanishads to scriptural, philosophical, scientific, technological and artistic sources. The disciplines and domains of knowledge include logic, philosophy, language, technology and crafts, polity, economics and governance, ethics and sociological orders, architecture and engineering, pure sciences, earth sciences, biosciences, poetics and aesthetics, law and justice, grammar, mathematics and astronomy, metrics, agriculture, mining, metallurgy, trade and commerce, Ayurveda and Yog, medicine and life sciences, geography, military science, weaponry, shipbuilding, navigation and maritime traditions, biology, and veterinary science, music, dance, drama, carvings, paintings, spirituality, divinity, civilization study, culture & heritage, etc. This major knowledge tradition called as 14 Vidyas - theoretical domains - and 64 Kalas - crafts, skill sets, and arts-that are useful in day-to-day living.
Q 2. Why IKS – Indian Knowledge System has become so important?The Central Government and Ministry of Education are insisting and putting emphasis on education and skills based on ancient Indian Knowledge System which are indigenous, traditional, still relevant in many sectors, and trustworthy. Unfortunately, since British era & after independence till 2014, IKS was neglected and underestimated. Besides we see that the so-called modern western concepts and ideas are failing repeatedly all over the world. Great transformation and radical change are happening around us at local and global level and the basis of this change will be Indian Knowledge System (IKS). IKS will be the brand of India. National Education Policy NEP 2020 has written a roadmap for this change. It will be not only limited to the education sector, but the change will transform each and every sector of life around us. The great IKS wave has just begun, and it will grow for a minimum of next 4 to 5 decades. It will expand not only in India but all over the world. It is expected that 5 million new jobs will be generated in Indian Knowledge System i.e. IKS in the next few decades. Every wise person or student of any age should understand this change which is happening silently, and he should get ready to lead this IKS wave by acquiring the expertise in Indian Knowledge System i.e. IKS. The Diploma Courses of Bhishma School of Indian Knowledge System will open the doors of a bright and long-term future for everyone who can sense and experience the transformation happening in the country. Students who will join at an early stage will be highly benefited. Apart from individual benefits, they will share immense contributions to the country and the world.
Q 3. What is the IKS wave? Please define. On which basis, it is said that there will be a requirement of 5 million employees in the field of Indian knowledge System (IKS)?Central Government through Ministry of Education is now transforming entire education system in India. Government has introduced National Education Policy - NEP 2020. It has clearly described the roadmap for transformation of education sector in next 10 to 15 years. Government is now insisting on study, research and implementation of ancient Indian knowledge system for future education development in our country. Recently Education Minister has made an open statement that Indian knowledge System has solutions for the challenges faced by the world today. Government is trying to reinvent and apply the ancient traditional knowledge. But where are the experts in Indian Knowledge System? Where are the faculty in IKS? Where are the teachers in IKS? Where is the syllabus and curriculum developed for IKS? As you see, IKS is at very initial stage in the country. it will require huge IKS educated manpower to implement NEP 2020 in a fruitful way. There are 1113 universities 43796 colleges and 11296 standalone institutions as of 2021. They all will require people with IKS qualification. At present, no one is offering any exclusive course in IKS (Except Bhishma School of IKS). If we assume that each above institution requires minimum 10 persons with qualification in IKS (1113+43796+11296 = 56205x10 = 5,62,050). It will be a half million requirement. Apart from this, there are 11,96,265 primary schools, 1,50,452 secondary schools and 1,42,398 higher secondary schools. Let us assume that they require only two persons with IKS qualification, there will be 3 million requirements of IKS qualified people. (11,96,265+1,50,452+1,42,398=14,89,115 say 15 lakhs x 2=30 lakhs.) Beside there are many other sectors where there will be a huge requirement of people with qualification in Indian Knowledge System (IKS). Corporate, industry, business houses, media & entertainment houses, Socio-Cultural organizations, temples, religious and spiritual organizations will also need people with IKS qualifications.
Q. 4 Why one should join the Diploma Courses offered by Bhishma School of Indian Knowledge System ?For the first time in India, university recognized courses in Indian knowledge systems ( IKS ) are offered by Bhishma school of Indian knowledge system. Ministry of education is promoting and emphasizing on Indian knowledge system education in the country. National Education Policy - NEP 2020 has a described about the importance of IKS in its declaration. Every college, university and school now require faculty, teachers, experts in IKS. Bhishma courses in IKS are recognized by the Central Sanskrit University CSU which is the university established by a special act in parliament by central government. NAAC has now recommended every college and university to conduct IKS related activities. Therefore there will be huge requirement of people with qualification in IKS.
Q. 5 What is the NEP 2020? Where it has been referred?NEP 2020 is the National Education Policy by Central Government. Ministry of Education is implementing it throughout the country in step by step manner from 2021. It will drastically change the scenario of education sector in the country. It has emphasize on the study and application of ancient Indian Knowledge System in the future education system of the country. Few recommendations are as below… NATIONAL EDUCATION POLICY (NEP) & IKS A rootedness and pride in India, and its rich, diverse, ancient and modern culture and knowledge systems and traditions. The importance, relevance and beauty of the classical languages (4.17) IKS elements will be incorporated in an accurate and scientific manner throughout the school curriculum (4.27) Children will have opportunity to read and learn from the original stories of the Panchatantra, Jataka, Hitopadesh (4.28) The notion of a ‘Knowledge of many arts’ must be brought back to Indian Education, (11.1) Value-based education will include the development of humanistic, ethical, Constitutional, and universal human values of truth (satya), righteous conduct (dharma), peace (shanti), love (prem), nonviolence (ahimsa), scientific temper, citizenship values, and also life-skills (11.8) Promotion of Indian Languages, Art and Culture. (22) (Click here to download NEP 2020 document)
Q. 6 What is the role of NAAC? Where has it mentioned that every college and university require IKS education incorporated?NAAC is the National Accreditation Agency for Colleges. The NAAC committee visits colleges and university every year and award accreditation and grade to them. Depending upon the NAAC accreditation, the progress of the college is assessed by Ministry of Education and Central Government agencies. NAAC accreditation is very important for each college. In recent recommendation draft, NAAC has emphasized on the IKS activities in each college and university. (Click here download Draft NAAC Recommendations)
Q 7. Who is the founder of Bhishma Organization?Bhishma organization was established in 1976 by late Shripad Dattatreya Kulkarni under the Ashirwad and guidance of late Param Acharya Chandrashekharendra Saraswati Mahaswami of Kanchi Pitham. Initially Bhishma organization published 18 volumes of Indian History and Culture till 1999 in English and Marathi languages. More details mentioned in about section.
Q.8 Who is the founder of Bhishma School of IKS?Prof. Kshitij Patukale is the founder of Bhishma School of Indian Knowledge System. He is an eminent scholar and renowned expert in Indian Knowledge System and well-known author. You may visit www.kshitijpatukale.com to know more about him.
Q 9: Introduce Bhishma School of Indian Knowledge SystemBhishma School of Indian Knowledge System is the Pioneer institute in field of Indian Knowledge System - IKS. Bhishma has developed many academic and professional courses and programs in the IKS sector. More than 9000 students have completed these courses. They have found these courses and programs very useful and value addition in their career and personal life.
Q 10: Is Bhishma School and its courses are recognized by Government and University?Yes, Bhishma School of IKS is the Recognized Institute of Central Sanskrit University (CSU). It's diploma and master courses have been approved by Central Sanskrit University. CSU has now allowed to start admissions for Diploma courses from the academic session commenting from July 2024-25. Admissions for 6 diploma courses in Indian Knowledge System will commence from June 2024.
Q. 11 Does Bhishma School of IKS is having any international accreditation?Yes. Bhishma School of IKS is accredited by IACDSC, USA (INTERNATIONAL ACCREDITION COUNCIL FOR DHARMA SCHOOL AND COLLEGES) IACDSC is the international accreditation organization for the degree-granting institutions based on Dharmic traditions and cultures. It is based in the Florida state of USA. The degrees granted by BSIKS are accredited by IACDSC and are valid and authentic all over the world.
Q. 12 Who are the mentors and advisors of Bhishma School of IKS?Many Eminent Scholars and personalities from India and abroad are associated with BSIKS as mentors and advisors including PP Swami Govinddev Giri, Padmabhushan Dr. Vijay Bhatkar, Dr. Kapil Kapoor, Dr. Vasant Shinde, Dr. Madhuri Sheron, Dr. Shashibala, Dr. Bharat Balavalli, Ustad Usman Khan, Dr. Ravindra Kulkarni, Dr. Shashi Tiwari, Dr. Yashwant Pathak, Acharya Umapati, Dr. Milind Sathye, etc. You can visit about page for more details.
Q. 13 Who are the members of the Management Council, Academic Council and Board of studies of Bhishma School?Eminent scholars and faculty are the members of the Management Council, Academic Council and Board of Studies of Bhishma School. Please visit about page for more details.
Q. 14 Introduce Central Sanskrit University? Is it Government recognized University?CSU i.e. Central Sanskrit University is a university established through a special act in the parliament by Central Government. It is government university recognized by UGC, AICTE and Ministry of Education. Central Sanskrit University is accredited by NAAC with A++ grade. For more details of the Central Sanskrit University, please visit www.csu.nic.in
Q. 15 Which are the Career opportunities in IKS Sector after completing these diploma courses?i) Faculty – As a professor, teacher, mentor, guide, and coach in Schools, Colleges, Universities, Institutions, Professional Organizations, IT & Software sectors, Digital Content creation, etc. ii) Professional – IKS expert, IKS Consultant, IKS Coach, IKS Mentor, IKS Guide, IKS Counsellor, IKS Director in corporate companies, Professional & Social Organizations, NGOs, Media Houses, Trade Associations, Travel & Tourism, Hospitality Sector, IT & Software sector, Digital Content Creation, etc. iii) Research – Research Scholar in National & International Research Organizations, etc. iv) Social & Cultural – Event Management, Social, Cultural & Service Organizations, Hospitals & Health Care etc.
Q. 16 Who should join the diploma courses offered by Bhishma School of IKS?Every person who is 12th pass and aged between 18 to 80 years should join these diploma courses. Everyone will find applications and usefulness of these diploma courses. It will be a value edition in their present career and occupation as well as in their personal life. It will enrich them with the proper knowledge of ancient Indian Civilization, Culture, Traditions, Heritage and Lifestyle. It will strengthen the confidence of learners. It will enlighten the soul and atman to achieve goals of life and live a meaningful and happy – healthy life. Specifically inform, who should join each diploma courses of Bhishma School of IKS. A) Diploma in Indian Knowledge System i.e. DEd in IKS education i) Faculty - All faculty in the higher education system including Professors, Associate Professors, Assistant Professors, Readers, Visiting Faculty, Guest Faculty should join this diploma. Persons already working in Universities, Colleges, Institutions, schools will find this diploma as a added qualification in IKS which will help them in a developing their career with IKS qualification. As this diploma is a recognized by Central Sanskrit University, it will help them to excel in their career. ii) Teacher in Government and Private Schools: Government is introducing NEP-2020 in primary and secondary education along with undergraduate and higher education. Teachers with the additional qualification in IKS will excel in their career. iii) Teachers in English Medium Schools: Diploma in IKS will enhance the scope of opportunities for the teachers in English Medium Schools. iv) Government Employees: Government employee in any sector will benefit from diploma in IKS as government is trying to re-shape the work style and narrative of government systems. It will benefit government sector employees to have additional qualification in IKS. v) IT and Software Sector: Diploma in IKS will be an additional qualification for the people in IT and software sector for better job opportunities in India and abroad. vi) Corporate and Industry: IKS is helping corporate and industry to perform better and improve their efficiency and productivity. It will enhance the career of the people who are working in the corporate business and industry sector. vii) Media Communication and Entertainment Sector: There is a global trend now that people wish to know and understand about the Indian Culture and Traditions. More and more people are getting attracted to Indian knowledge systems. Hare Ram Hare Krishna movement, art of living, Maharshi Yogi, Ramakrishna mission movement etc. are the examples of this. The IKS diploma qualification will help the people in media and entertainment to excel there career at National and Global Level. viii) Students pursuing their graduation and higher education studies. - It will be a great opportunity for the students pursuing education to have a parallel qualification. UGC has allowed parallel degree i.e.s DUAL degree. So students can join the diploma in IKS with their on going education. They will have added advantage as they will be ready with IKS qualification when they will complete their formal education. B) Diploma in Hindi Dharma Education This diploma should be joined by the categories mentioned in the diploma in IKS. Faculty, teachers, corporate media and students should join this diploma. Besides people working in the following organization should join this diploma course. i) Religious Organizations ii) Political Parties iii) Temple organizations iv) Tourist organisation and companies v) Cultural Organizations vi) Pandit and Purohits vii) Housewives viii) Social Workers C) Diploma In Sanskar Education This will be a great opportunity for housewives and women as well as men. They can work as Sanskar shikshak and Sanskar coach. Faculty, Teachers, Counceller, coach, etc. should join this diploma course. It has a very huge employment potential. Few decades ago, no one was thinking about career as Yoga Shikshak and Yoga Instructor. But now there are million of jobs in Yoga Sector. Similarly there will be million of jobs in Sanskara Sector. At present there is no system of Sanskara available in the society which is the main cause of social disturbance and violence. With diploma in Sanaskara, one can start own classes of Sanskara. He can join a school or organization as Sanskar Shikshak. He can work as independent Sanskara Coach and Sanskar Counseller etc. One can start classes at rural area, semi urban and urban area and metros. People are really worried about the future of children. The society needs a system of availing Sanskara. The Sanskara education has a very huge and potential for growth and you will find few lakhs of Sanskara Shikshak in next 3 to 4 decades. D) Diploma in Human Values and Professional Ethics University grants commission has introduced circular regarding inclusion of Human Values and Professional Ethics subjects in higher education. This diploma will be beneficial for the faculty and teachers as below. Click here to download UGC circular (i) Faculty - All faculty in the higher education system including Professors, Associate Professors, Assistant Professors, Readers, Visiting Faculty, Guest Faculty should join this diploma. Persons already working in Universities, Colleges, Institutions, schools will find this diploma as a added qualification which will help them in a developing their career with Human Value and Professional Ethics qualification. As this diploma is a recognized by Central Sanskrit University, it will help them to excel in their career. (ii) Students - Students pursuing their graduation and higher education studies. - It will be a great opportunity for the students pursuing education to have a parallel qualification. UGC has allowed parallel degree i.e.s DUAL degree. So students can join the diploma in IKS with their on going education. They will have added advantage as they will be ready with IKS qualification when they will complete their formal education. (iii) Corporate and Industry - Professional Ethics is the backbone of trade and business. It is very important for industry and corporate sector to follow Professional Ethics. Every industry will require persons with qualification in Professional Ethics. E.g. in Big hospitals there is Ethical director who looks after Ethical process. Similarly experts in Professional Ethics will be required (iv) Professionals like Chartered Accountant, lawyers, Management consultants, Doctors, Engineers, etc. The qualification in professional ethics will be very much useful for the professional mentioned above to excel their career. (E) Diploma in Chanakya Leadership and Political Skills. (i) Youth: Every youth about 18 years of age should join this course. It will help to develop career and life. This skills will strengthen the personality and abilities. India is the youngest country of the world. The young Indians will rule the world. This diploma will help Indian youth to develop their skill sets and abilities to excel their career. (ii) Faculty and Teachers: This diploma will help faculty and teachers in University, Colleges, Schools and institutions to develop themselves for youth development activities. (iii) Leadership Coach and Counsellor - People will be able to work as personality and leadership coach. They can start classes and work as personal coach also. (iv) Politics and Social Work: This diploma will enhance the abilities of the people who are connected with the political and social work field. (V) Corporate and Industry: Leadership skills are required everywhere. The people from Corporate and Industry will benefit from this diploma to develop their Leadership skills. (F) Diploma in Sanskrit (i) Every Indian should join this diploma. Sanskrit is the mother of all languages, and it has origin in India. Sanskrit is the language of India. It is not only Pride, but it connects student with the culture, heritage and huge knowledge base of the Indian civilization. (ii) Faculty and Teachers - Diploma in Sanskrit will be the added qualification for faculty and teachers. (iii) IT Software and AI Sector: Sanskrit is the friendliest language for artificial intelligence and programming. This diploma in Sanskrit will be added advantage to excel their career in India and abroad. (iv) Students: Diploma in Sanskrit will be an added qualification for the students who are pursuing their education.
Q. 17 Are the diploma courses offered by Bhishma school are useful for any particular age group? Is there any age limit for the courses? Are they beneficial for currently employed people? If yes, then how?These courses will be useful for all age groups and all sectors of the society. Let us understand that as per the New National Educational Policy, there will be revolution and radical change in the education system in India. Now every UG & PG student must acquire minimum of 5 % credits from IKS out of the total credits required for achieving total credits for a degree. Apart from this, central government is trying to apply all indigenous, ancient and traditional Indian models based on Indian Knowledge System in every field and every sector of the society, social life, governance, trade, commerce, agriculture, education, health sector, etc. At the other end, we experience that the so called modern western models are getting defeated and failed around us. E.g. Allopathy does not have solutions for many ultra-modern diseases and Ayurveda has a deep sense preventive health. Another example is multinational companies mislead Indian population about the quality of food and drugs. Pantanjali and Ramdev Baba have created examples which are beneficial not only for Indians but for the whole world. Let us understand that the whole country as a whole is getting ready for revival and transformation as ancient traditional glorious India. People with any age group working in any field can join diploma courses and convert the knowledge into an opportunity in the next few decades. They will be the change leaders and lead the change happening around us. So you may be working in any government organization, teacher, professor, doctor, lawyer, CA, engineer, architect or graduate degree holder in any field you can think about Masters Programs as a supportive or alternative career. It will enlighten you at the individual level and also will help you to create a change in society in a professional way.
Q 18. Is attendance compulsory for Diploma Courses?Attendance is required. We encourage all students to attend the sessions as students get enlightened and thrilled after learning the contents by attending the same.
Q 19. Will the recording of the Classes be available?Recordings of lectures will be available for students. These recordings access will be available till the result of the semester is declared. Additionally, There will be a community contact session online on the zoom once in a month for 4 times in a Semester
Q 20. What will be the structure of assignments and how they should be submitted?There will be 20 marks assignment for each subject. Students will be provided 10 questions for the assignment, and they require to write descriptive answers for 4 questions in around 2000 words. Answers should be handwritten and after writing the answers, students need to make PDF documents and upload on given link. Students are required to upload assignments on the given link. Hard copies will not be accepted.
Q 21. What will be the examination pattern? How students will be assessed?There will be an assessment of 100 marks for each paper. Division of marks will be as follows: - 60 marks for the Written exam, 20 marks for Assignment and 20 marks for Oral. There will one project in second semester.
Q 22. What will be the structure of the Project and how it will be assessed?There will be one project in the second semester. Based on the subjects covered in the program, students will be given elective topics for the project. The project can be based on the below point with reference to the different concepts taught in the program – • Validation of concept • Application of concept • Creating physical dummy models • Finding references and proofs for the concept, etc. Students have to write the thesis and present it
Q 23. What will be the language of the study material?Study Material will be mainly in Hindi. There will be English content also.
Q 24. What will be the language of teaching?Teaching will be in the Hindi language little mixed with English.
Q 25. Who are the faculty?Eminent faculties and scholars are associated with BSIKS from various locations in India and outside India in large numbers. They are learned, studious and motivated. Please visit about page to know faculty details.
Q 26. Where should students contact for queries or for assistance?For calling: 7875743405; WhatsApp: 7875191270
Q 27. What will be the duration of diploma courses?One Year – July 2024 to June 2025 – 2 Semesters
Q 28. When Semester Examination will be conducted?Written exam will be conducted in the last month of semester. Examination timetable will be declared in due course of time.
Q 29. Can a student appear for an examination if he missed an examination or failed?Students can appear for re-examination in the upcoming semester. Fees will be Rs. 1000/- per subject.
Q 30. What is the refund policy and jurisdiction?Please note that there will be no refund of any fees after taking the admission in any circumstances. All complaints will have Pune City jurisdiction limit only. Students are advised to study and understand all the instructions, terms and conditions and related information before enrolling for admission and payment of fees.
Q 31. What will be the mode of communication and language for students while communicating with BSIKS office ?Students can contact BSIKS via WhatsApp, email, mobile or by physical visit to office. The language should be Hindi and English.
Q 32. Is BSIKS is having any associations?Yes. Bhishma is having academic and other associations with many organizations in India and outside India. Few of them are as follows i) Sakshi Trust, Bengaluru - A Recognized Research Center by Karanataka Sanskrit University ii) Hindu Council of Australia iii) Vijnyan Bharati – Vijnyan Gurjari iv) VBUSS – Vidya Bharati Uchha Shikshan Sansthan v) IHAR - USA & India vi) Maharshi Ved Vyas Pratishthan
Q 33. What are the Global Opportunities from these diploma courses offered by Bhishma School of Indian Knowledge System?Let us understand and accept that due to the respected Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi Ji and his governance, India has achieved global pride and salutation. India has a great image and center of attraction among the world population. People across the world are very much eager to know about India, its culture, a voyage of civilization, traditions, heritage, etc. Universities in many countries in the world are opening centers for India Study or Centre for Vedic / Hindu Civilization study, etc. There is a global demand for Yog, Ayurved, etc. Now we see that Indian classical music, dance, food, cultural activities are getting popular all over the world. Technology, especially social media is helping for its spread. Indians are getting many higher posts in USA government and USA corporate world as well as many international organizations. Another important benefit is that India is the youngest country in the world. So young Indians will lead and rule the future world. Indians empowered with the foundation of Indian Knowledge System and Hindu Studies are having huge career opportunities all over the globe. Besides, you will see that United Nations and other world organizations are talking about the concept of sustainable development and arguing the world to follow it. This concept of sustainable development is the very basis of Indian Knowledge system and based on Vedic philosophy. Masters Program will help students to become India Scholar, IKS Expert, Hindu Scholar, Hindu Cultural Counceller, Vedic Scholar, Vedic Coach, Kautilya Experts, etc. They all will have global opportunities for next few decades.