गायन / वक्तृत्त्व / डबिंगची आवड असणाऱ्यांसाठी
आवाज (स्वर) संस्कार आणि संवर्धन
ऑनलाइन कार्यशाळा
मार्गदर्शक: योगेश सोमण
अभिनेता, पटकथा लेखक, दिग्दर्शक
संकल्पना: प्रा. क्षितिज पाटुकले
आयोजक: विश्व मराठी परिषद, द्वारा साहित्य सेतू

कुणासाठी अधिक उपयुक्त - खरतर सर्वांसाठी ...ज्यांना अभिनेता, गायक, डबिंग, रेडिओ जॉकी, वक्ता, राजकीयनेता, वकील, राजकीय – सामाजिक कार्यकर्ते, असे करिअर करायचे आहेत तसेच प्राध्यापक, शिक्षक, कीर्तनकार, प्रवचनकार, कलाकार, डॉक्टर, इ. सर्वांसाठी अतिशय उपयुक्त कार्यशाळा...
५ दिवस - रोज १ तास
दि: १४ ते १८ जुलै २०२० वेळ: सायंकाळी ७ ते ८ वा
कार्यशाळेतील मधील मुद्दे:
१) आवाज कुणाचा ? आवाज कशाला ?
२) आवाज हेच भांडवल
३) उत्तम आवाजाची गरज कोणाला ? कलाकार, वकील, नेते, इ. प्रत्येकाला
४) आवाज, स्वर आणि पट्टी यांची ओळख
५) आवजाचा रियाझ, व्यायाम, संरक्षण आणि संवर्धन
६) आवाजामुळे करिअर संधी
Recognised Institute by Central Sanskrit University (RISPE-CSU)

Masters in Chanakya Kautilya Studies (MCKS)
॥ राजा कालस्य कारणम् ॥
Please Note: Bhishma Masters Online Programs are accredited by IACDSC. These programs will not have any affiliation or recognition from any university for the AY 2023.
Chanakya Kautilya is one of the most intelligent Rishi scientists ever on the earth. His book 'Kautilya Arthshastra' has everything required for a successful life. It is not only useful for Government & Governance but its applications are there in every field of day-to-day life. Kautilya provides guaranteed knowledge system for Victory & Success. The study of Kautilya will empower everyone who is eager to make his life successful. It will equip the learner to develop the power of winning in any circumstances. Kautilya will be helpful at the place of employment, for the self-employed, in any industry, enterprises, corporate companies, and even in any organization including political organizations. Learners will have the skill to tackle any type of adverse situation. It will not only be useful for the leaders and workers of the political parties but also for the strategy development companies for political organizations. Kautilya will develop a special type of knowledge and thinking pattern and ability which will help to conquer any field and any situation in life.
🌼Duration: 2 Years, From Sept 2023
🌼Age – No age limit
🌼Teaching Language – Hindi
🌼Eligibility – Graduate or Equivalent
🌼Study Material – Hard copy + E-Book
🌼Study Material Language – Hindi + English
🌼Online Mode: Online Live classes on Zoom + Recordings will be available
🌼Prior knowledge of Sanskrit is not needed. Sanskrit Parichay Subject is included.
🌼 4 Semesters
🌼 4 Papers (Subjects) per Semester
🌼 Total 16 Papers
🌼 4 Credits per Paper
🌼 4 Credits for 2 Projects
🌼 Exam / Tutorial - 1 credit Per Paper
🌼 Credits – 84
🌼Each session Duration - Online - 90 Minutes (70 Min. Lecture + 20 Min Q & A)
Online Classes Starting from : 10 October 2023
Program Timings:
Monday to Thursday – 8:30 pm to 10:00 pm (Zoom App)
Fee Structure
₹ 25000/- per Semester
OR ₹ 48000/- per year
OR ₹ 90000/- for Two years
To get program details on WhatsApp Click here and Send WA message 👉 "MCKS" (9309545687)
Program Syllabus
Paper 1 – Sanskrit Bhasha Parichay
Sanskrit is Mother of all the languages. Ancient literature, ancient scripts are in Sanskrit language. Sanskrit language is the foundation of all the IKS fields, therefore learning Sanskrit language is the necessity to have better understanding and Research oriented study of IKS. The Paper is designed with the objective to provide the learner an overview of Sanskrit Bhasha. The scope of this Paper is very large that it is not possible to cover it in detail, but with an overview and further detailed study, the learner can interpret the Sanskrit text.
Paper 2 – Indian Political, Economical and Sociological Thoughts
Indian Political thought has been influenced by many thinkers. For a proper understanding of the Indian Political and Economical theories and Sociological thoughts, it is essential to study the ideas and philosophies of prominent political thinkers of the past that influence modern political thoughts. This Paper will provide the learners an insight into the manner in which these ideas were adopted and implemented by those thinkers.
Paper 3 – Kautilya in Historical Perspective
Kautilya is an important historical personality. He not just wrote a great and still relevant masterpiece namely Arthashastra, but he lived the Arthashastra. He created a king, an empire and set the tone of history for centuries tocome. This historical perspective of Kautilya, his role in overthrowing Dhanananda, his oath, his ambition for bringing and expanding Dharmarajya, through Chandragupta Maurya is to be seen. The chronology of Indian history needs to be corrected first to place him in right time and reassert that he lived centuries before Alexanders time.
Paper 4 – Idea of Hindu King and Kingship
In Indian Culture, King and Kingship, are not like western Idea of Monarch and Monarchy. He is more as a protector and perpetuator of Dharma – the Cosmic law governing universe which is reinterpreted to make a socioeconomic law of the land. Dharma or Righteousness rules not the king. His powers are kept in check by higher spiritual laws and his training and conduct is governed by this principle of material progress and spiritual growth of all and selfless renunciation of all comforts and pleasures for the sake of the people in his kingdom.
Paper 5 – Kautilya's Organization System
Kautilya’s Organization system is typically Indian ie Organic system : It has Seven Elements (Prakritis) 1. The Swami, the sovereign King ; 2. The Mantrin, the ministers; 3. The Janapada, the people and the territory; 4. The Durga, the fortification; 5. The Kosha, the treasury; 6. The Sena or the Danda, the army; 7. The Mitra, the allies.
Paper 6 – Kautilya's Law and Order
Universal protection of human rights; laws that are implemented in a non- discriminatory manner; an efficient, impartial, and quick judicial system; transparent public agencies and official decision-making; accountability for decisions made about public issues and resources by public officials; participation and inclusion of all citizens in debating public policies and choices is summed up as good governance. Sources of Law were • Dharma (cannon law), Vyavahara (customary law), Samstha (usages) and Rajashasana (logical principles)
Paper 7 – Kautilya's Administration system
The crystallization of sovereignty in the king‟s court and also in the metropolitan centers, if not in the peripheral tribal republics. The existence of 16 Mahajanapadas as a proof of state-formation during Mauryan Empire. Overriding authority of the king's decree over all other judicial functions. Sovereignty appeared to be imbibed in monarch, the Swami.
Paper 8 – Kautilya's Welfare State
The king was expected to ensure the Welfare : Yogakshema of the subjects and was also authorized to act at once, as Indra and Yama acted, while dispensing rewards and punishment.
Yogakshema denoted : Yoga (addition to or furtherance of, and not the depletion of, all resources) and Kshema (well utilization of resources) in all human pursuits. Yoga and Kshema were considered the sources of exertion and peaceful possession respectively.
Project - 1
Based on the subjects covered in the program, students will be given elective topics for project. Project can be based on below point with reference to the different concepts taught in the program –
• Validation of concept
• Application of concept
• Creating physical dummy models
• Finding references and proofs for the concept, etc.
Students have to write the thesis and present it front of external faculty panel.
Paper 9 – Study of Dharma
Dharma – the Cosmic law governing universe which is reinterpreted to make a socioeconomic law of the land. Dharma or Righteousness rules not the king. Material prosperity was never considered as an end in itself, instead it was believed that material provisions are essential and it is the duty of state to ensure this. A policy of minimum state-welfare, leaving the individual to maximum of self-help. The state only confined to help the helpless. It involves the well-being of the poorest of the poor.
Paper 10 – Kautilyan Economic System (Finance)
Kautilya believed that the state should be the market regulator and advocated the principle of a mixed economy when India was ruled by autocrats. He was meticulous in technique of controlling every activity and insisted on governance for the betterment of public. Though individual merchants were free to contribute they also had to comply with the rules and regulations set by the state and authorities appointed by the state.
Paper 11 – Kautilya's Rajmandal
The Rajamandala means "circle of kings"; मण्डल, mandala is a Sanskrit word which means "circle" or an intricate pattern in a circle.Kautilya describes circles of friendly and enemy states which can be surrounding the king's (raja) state. This is also known as Mandala theory of foreign policy or Mandala theory, and it is one of the most important postulations regarding statecraft, administration, strategies and foreign policy by Kautilya which is still very relevant.
Paper 12 – Kautilya's Foreign Affairs
Kautilya provides a great guide regarding the approach of the current Indian regime’s foreign policy. India’s foreign policy clearly shows the reflection of Kautilyan notion of foreign policy.His Mandal Siddhant and Shadgunya Siddhant are very well thought and timeless insights in foreign affairs of any nation.
Paper 13 – Kautilya's Strategic Policy
To develop policies, standards, system, and processes that implement these strategies : The cycle is : ‘Recruitment and selection. Organizational design and development. Business transformation and change management. Performance, Arthashastra encouraged profitable trading especially with strategic nations. Kautilya emphasized on the importance of using trade to create alliances with strong nations. Kautilya insisted in creation of towns and villages at strategic places with commercial areas and trade zones.
Paper 14 – Kautilya's Spy System
Kautilya's Spy System proposed a detailed hierarchical network for an espionage system. The ancient Indian espionage system was so detailed and practical that it remains a source of inspiration till today. As per him, there are many types of Spy like Baahya (external) and Aabhyantar (internal) Spies, Five institutions (Sansthas) of espionage, Kaapatika-chhaatra (working under the guise of a fraudulent disciple); Udaasthita (a sham ascetic who has fallen from the real duties of asceticism); Grihapatika (a householder spy); Vaidehaka (a merchant spy); and Taapasa (a spy under the guise of ascetic practicing austerity.
Paper 15 – Comparative Study of Kautilya and Western Political Thinkers
Kautilya was a great politician of ancient India. His views on statehood, power, economics and social affairs have influenced the whole of India. Kautilya's work is very great, and it is national. That is why he is constantly compared to Western Greek as well as European thinkers. In this paper we will compare Kautilya's thoughts with the works of Aristotle, Plato, Machiavelli etc. A comparative study of the similarities and differences in their views based on the test of time is going to be done here.
Paper 16 – Tantrayukti
Acharyas like Charak, Sushrut, Prabhriti have followed some signs while composing their texts. Without taking those signs into consideration these texts cannot be studied properly. The signs are known by - tantrayukti. Tantrayukti is the trick or secret to obtain the precise knowledge of the Granth. Tantrayukti was considered important from the time of Acharya Charak. Acharya Charak says - "Without proper introduction of these tricks, scriptures cannot be understood properly. With it’s proficiency, other scriptures can also be understood quickly without much efforts, but without these tricks, it is tough to study the scriptures. Their secret remains inaccessible. Without the introduction of tantra techniques, acquired or practiced scriptures are like an unaccustomed weapon. Instead of benefit, it only causes harm. A symptomatic discussion of these important mechanisms will be done in this paper.
Project - 2
Based on the subjects covered in the program, students will be given elective topics for project. Project can be based on below point with reference to the different concepts taught in the program –
• Validation of concept
• Application of concept
• Creating physical dummy models
• Finding references and proofs for the concept, etc.
Students have to write the thesis and present it front of external faculty panel.
100 marks for subject
Written Exam – 60 Marks, Assignment – 20 Marks, Oral – 20 Marks
Project – Thesis & Presentation
Passing – Min. 40% marks in each subject
Opportunities - Employment... Self Employment... Professional
🎯 Kautilya Experts - Huge demand in Strategy & Policy Making consultation Companies to Political Parties e.g. Political/Election Consultancy, etc.
🎯 Economic & Strategic Experts in Corporate Companies & Organizations, etc.
🎯Faculty - As a professor, teacher, mentor, guide, and coach in Colleges, Universities, Institutions, Professional
🎯 Content Creator: Organizations, IT & Software Sector, Digital Content Creation, etc.
🎯 Expert & Consultant in Social & Cultural Organizations, NGOs, etc.
🎯 Expert in - Embassy Offices, International Organizations, Media Houses, Research Organizations, Cyber Security, etc.
🎯 Warfare & Foreign Affairs - Organizations & Consulting companies, etc.
🎯 Political Party - For students who wish to join Politics, this is a very good course for them. Leaders and Workers of various Political Parties should join this course.
Please watch the following Opportunities Video:
Contact for any inquiries - Head Office
(Call) Prof. Tushar: 9309545687
WhatsApp: 9309545687
(Call) Mo: 7875743405
Email: namaste@bhishmaiks.org
Office Address:
622, Janaki Raghunath, Pulachi Wadi, Near Z Bridge, Deccan Gymkhana, Pune - 411004 Bharat
Google Map 📍 - Click here
About Bhishma School of Indian Knowledge System
Bhishma School of Indian Knowledge System (BSIKS) is a pioneer institute in the field of Indian Knowledge System ( IKS ), Hindu Studies, and Indic Studies. BSIKS is a recognized Institute by Central Sanskrit University, Delhi (CSU). BSIKS also accredited globally by IACDSC, an international accreditation body. BSIKS has associations with Hindu Council of Australia, Dharmashree, Vijnyan Bharati, Vidya Bharati Uchha Shiksha Sansthan, IHAR - USA & India, etc. Bhishma School of Indian Knowledge System offers courses and programs from Certificate, Diploma to PhD, D.Litt. under various schools.
The whole range of knowledge system under these schools is multifarious, from the Vedas, and Upanishads to scriptural, philosophical, scientific, technological and artistic sources. The disciplines and domains of knowledge include logic, philosophy, language, technology and crafts, polity, economics and governance, ethics and sociological orders, architecture and engineering, pure sciences, earth sciences, bio sciences, poetics and aesthetics, law and justice, grammar, mathematics and astronomy, metrics, agriculture, mining, metallurgy, trade and commerce, Ayurved and yog, medicine and life sciences, geography, military science, weaponry, shipbuilding, navigation and maritime traditions, biology and veterinary science, music, dance, drama, carvings, paintings, spirituality, divinity, civilization study, culture & heritage etc. BSIS is focusing on the revitalization of the major knowledge tradition i.e. 14 Vidyas- theoretical domains - and 64 Kalas-crafts, skill sets and arts that are useful in day-to-day living through its activities and programs.
About Central Sanskrit University
Central Sanskrit University (CSU), New Delhi (Formerly known as Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan) is Deemed to be a University under the Ministry of Education, Government of India created by an act of Parliament.
The Central Sanskrit University has the unique distinction of being the largest and the only multi-campus language university in the world. The Central Sanskrit University also has the privilege of acting as the nodal agency for the implementation of Sanskrit-related policies & and schemes of the Government of India. In that capacity, the university works in close coordination with the Ministry of Education, Government of India.
To confirm your Admission click on "Apply Now" and submit the form with payment.
Students across the Globe can Join this Course.
You can pay the amount in Bank or on Google Pay
You will receive batch details on WhatsApp and Email.
Amount once paid is not refundable. Can be shifted to a different program Read all information and prospectus before registering.
To get program details on WhatsApp Click here and Send WA message 👉 "MCKS" (9309545687)
Review from past Students:
Shekhar R Brahmbhatt
World Book of records London awarded International Author, CPA(CA professionals), Political Strategist, Social Activists.
बातें IKS की...
Learn from our Mentors, about IKS Importance and Opportunities...
▶️ IKS और Hindu Studies में उज्जवल करिअर ! क्यो ? और कैसे?
प.पू. स्वामी गोविंददेव गिरि महाराज
▶️ IKS की शिक्षा क्यो जरुरी है ?
डॉ. कपिल कपूर
▶️ New Education Policy (NEP) and IKS कैसे बदलेगी भारत का भविष्य?
डॉ. विजय भटकर
▶️ Importance of Indian Knowledge Systems (IKS) with Archaeological Perspective
Dr. Vasant Shinde
FAQs about Masters Programs
1) Why one should join the Masters Programs offered by Bhishma School of Indian Knowledge System ?
Ans. :- For the first time in India and the world, Bhishma School of Indian Knowledge System has launched Masters Programs in Indian Knowledge System. The Central Government and Ministry of Education are insisting and putting emphasis on education and skills based on ancient Indian Knowledge System which are indigenous, traditional, still relevant in many sectors, and trustworthy. Unfortunately since British era & after independence till 2014, IKS was neglected and underestimated. Besides we see that the so-called modern western concepts and ideas are failing repeatedly all over the world. Great transformation and radical change is happening around us at local and global level and the basis of this change will be Indian Knowledge System (IKS). IKS will be the brand of India. National Education Policy NEP 2020 has written a roadmap for this change. It will be not only limited to the education sector but the change will transform each and every sector of life around us. The great IKS wave has just begun and it will grow for a minimum of next 4 to 5 decades. It will expand not only in India but all over the world. It is expected that 5 million new jobs will be generated in Indian Knowledge System i.e. IKS in the next few decades. Every wise person or student of any age should understand this change which is happening silently and he should get ready to lead this IKS wave by acquiring the expertise in Indian Knowledge System i.e. IKS. The Masters Programs of Bhishma School of Indian Knowledge System will open the doors of a bright and long-term future for everyone who can sense and experience the transformation happening in the country. Students who will join at an early stage will be highly benefited. Apart from individual benefits, they will share immense contributions to the country and the world.
2) What is the background of the Bhishma School of Indian Knowledge System ?
Ans. :- Bhishma School of Indian Knowledge System ( formerly Bhishma School of Indic Studies) Pune (BSIKS) is a Global Leader and a Pioneer Institute in India in the field of Indian Knowledge System ( IKS ) and Indic Studies. The mother organization BHISHMA was established in 1976 by late Dr. Shripad Dattatray Kulkarni and blessed by PP Paramacharya of Kanchi Kamkoti Pitham Late PP Chandrashekharendra Saraswati Swami Maharaj. Many Eminent Scholars and personalities from India and abroad are associated with BSIKS as mentors and advisors including PP Swami Govinddev Giri, Padmabhushan Dr. Vijay Bhatkar, Dr.Kapil Kapoor, Rajiv Malhotra, Dr. Vasant Shinde, Dr. Madhuri Sheron, Dr. Shashibala, Dr. Bharat Balavalli, Ustad Usman Khan, Dr. Ravindra Kulkarni, Dr. Shashi Tiwari, Dr. Yashwant Pathak, Acharya Umapati, Dr. Milind Sathye, etc. Bhishma School of Indian Knowledge System offers courses and programs like Foundation in IKS, Certificate, Diploma, PG Diploma, and Masters programs under various schools. The whole range of knowledge systems under these schools is multifarious, from the Vedas, and Upanishads to scriptural, philosophical, scientific, technological and artistic sources. The disciplines and domains of knowledge include logic, philosophy, language, technology and crafts, polity, economics and governance, ethics and sociological orders, architecture and engineering, pure sciences, earth sciences, biosciences, poetics and aesthetics, law and justice, grammar, mathematics and astronomy, metrics, agriculture, mining, metallurgy, trade and commerce, Ayurveda and Yog, medicine and life sciences, geography, military science, weaponry, shipbuilding, navigation and maritime traditions, biology, and veterinary science, music, dance, drama, carvings, paintings, spirituality, divinity, civilization study, culture & heritage, etc. BSIKS is focusing on the revitalization of the major knowledge tradition i.e. 14 Vidyas- theoretical domains - and 64 Kalas-crafts, skill sets, and arts-that are useful in day-to-day living through its activities and programs. BSIKS has conducted online certificate programs for the last 3 years and more than 6600 students have completed it successfully.
3) Do these Masters programs have any affiliation with any university or UGC ? Any Other Government Agency ?
Ans. :- Yes. Bhishma school of Indian Knowlege System is a recognized institute for conducting Skill and professional Education courses by Central Sanskrit University, Delhi (CSU). Bhishma courses syllabus & curriculam are approved by the University. The degree certificate will be given by Central Sanskrit University. BSIKS Masters programs are accredited by IACDSC, USA, an international accreditation agency in USA. Thus Bhsihma School courses are affiliated with CSU-UGC in India and Globally accrediated by IACDSC, USA. BSIKS has associations with Maharshi Vedvyas Pratishthan,, Sakshi Trust, Bengaluru, Vijnyan Bharati, Vidya Bharati Uchha Shiksha Sansthan, Sanskrit Bharati, IHAR - USA & India, Hindu Council of Australia, etc. UGC has recently included IKS & Hindu Studies as a subject for NET examination. Ministry of education has recently opened an IKS cell and UGC has mandated IKS in the curriculum for all types of UG and PG Courses. Now every UG & PG student has to acquire minimum 5 % credits from IKS out of total credits required for achieving total credits for a degree.
4) What are the career opportunities in Masters Programs?
Ans. :- There are huge career opportunities with BSIKS Masters Programs. i) Job i.e. Employment Opportunities like Faculty, Teacher, Expert, Consultant, etc with self employment opportunities ii) Research Opportunities iii) Professional Opportunities iv) Business Opportunities v) Industrial Opportunities vi) Consulting / Coaching Opportunities vii) Social Opportunities viii) Cultural Opportunities ix) Self Employment Opportunities x) Performance Opportunities, etc. Now let us explore opportunities in each Program
A) Masters In Indian Knowledge System – Be an India Scholar / IKS Scholar / IKS Expert
i) Faculty – As a professor, teacher, mentor, guide, and coach in Colleges, Universities, Institutions, Professional Organizations, IT & Software sectors, Digital Content creation, etc.
ii) Professional – IKS expert, IKS Consultant, IKS Director in corporate companies, Professional & Social Organizations, NGOs, Media Houses, Trade Associations, Travel & Tourism, Hospitality Sector, IT & Software sector, Digital Content Creation, etc.
iii) Research – Research Scholar in National & International Research Organizations, etc.
iv) Social & Cultural – Event Management, Social, Cultural & Service Organizations, Hospitals & Health Care etc.
B) Masters In Hindu Studies – Be a Hindu Scholar / Hindu Counsellor
i) Hindu Scholar / Expert / Counselors – Includes Hindu Health Counselors, Hindu Psychological Counselors, Hindu Marriage Counselors, Hindu Spiritual Counselors etc. in Corporate Companies, Hospitals, Social & Spiritual Organizations, etc.
ii) Faculty – As a professor, teacher, mentor, guide, coach in Colleges, Universities, Institutions, Professional Organizations, IT & Software sector, Digital Content Creation etc.
iii) Expert & Consultant – Hospitals, Industries, Corporate, Temples, Spiritual organizations, Event Management, etc.
iv) Research – Research scholar in National & International research organizations, etc.
C) Masters In Chanakya Kautilya Studies? – Be a Kautilya Scholar / Kautilya Coach / Kautilya Political Expert / Kautilya Economic Expert / Kautilya Life Coach
i) Kautilya Experts: Huge demand in Strategy & Policy Making Consultation Companies to Political Parties e.g. Political / Election Consultancy, etc.
ii) Economic & Strategic Experts in Corporate Companies & Organizations, etc.
iii) Faculty – As a professor, teacher, mentor, guide, and coach in Colleges, Universities, Institutions, Professional Organizations, IT & Software sector, Digital Content Creation, etc.
iv) Expert & Consultant in Social & Cultural organizations, NGO’s, etc.
v) Expert in – Embassy offices, International organizations like ICCR, Media Houses, Research organizations, Cyber security, etc.
vi) Warfare & Foreign affairs – Organizations & Consulting Companies, etc.
vii) Political Party –Students who wish to take politics as a career will find this course most useful. Leaders and Workers of various Political Parties should join this course.
D) Masters In Vedic Literature – Be a Vedic Scholar / Vedic Counsellor
i) Research - 10 million manuscripts are available related to Vedic & Indian Knowledge systems. Hardly 5% of it has been studied. There is a need and demand for Research for studying more than 9 million scripts. Huge research potential for Master in Vedic Literature.
ii) Faculty – As a professor, teacher, mentor, guide, and coach in Colleges, Universities, Institutions, Professional Organizations, IT & Software sector, digital Content Creation etc.
iii) Vedic Counselor – As Vedic Cultural Counselor, Vedic Rituals Counselor, Vedic Literature / Career Counselor etc.
iv) Vedic Experts / Vedic Consultant
5. Is attendance compulsory for Masters Programs?
Ans. :- Attendance is required but not strictly compulsory. It is because the recording of classes will be available for the students. We encourage all students to attend the sessions as students get enlightened and thrilled after learning the contents by attending the same.
6. What will be the examination pattern? How students will be assessed ?
Ans. :- There will be an assessment of 100 marks for each paper. Division of marks will be as follows:- 60 marks for the online Written exam, 20 marks for Assignment and 20 marks for Oral. The duration for the written examination will be of 2 hours. There will be 2 projects each in one year
7. Please inform me about the availability of lecture recordings. Whether recordings will be available for offline students?
Ans. :- Recordings of all online lectures will be available for students. These recordings will be available till the result of the semester is declared.
8. How students will get recordings?
Ans. :- The student will receive an email on his registered email id after the commencement of the programs. There will be a link to the Google Drive folder. BSIKS will upload the recording in a google drive within 24 hours after the session is over. Students are required to keep checking the folder regularly.
9. What will be the structure of assignments and how they should be submitted?
Ans. :- There will be 20 marks assignment for each subject. Students will be provided 10 questions for the assignment and they require to write descriptive answers for 4 questions in around 2000 words. Answers should be handwritten and after writing the answers, students need to make PDF documents and upload on given link. All students are required to upload assignments on the given link. Hard copies will not be accepted.
10. What will be the structure of the Project and how it will be assessed?
Ans. :- There will be 2 projects i.e. one project per year. Based on the subjects covered in the program, students will be given elective topics for the project. The project can be based on the below point with reference to the different concepts taught in the program –
• Validation of concept
• Application of concept
• Creating physical dummy models
• Finding references and proofs for the concept, etc.
Students have to write the thesis and present it in front of an external faculty panel.
11. What is IACDSC accreditation and what are its benefits?
Ans. :- IACDSC is the international accreditation organization for the degree-granting institutions based on Dharmic traditions and cultures. It is based in the Florida state of USA. The degrees granted by BSIKS are accreditated by IACDSC and are valid and authentic all over the world. For more details please visit https://iacdsc.org/
12. How Bhishma Masters Programs will be accepted in the USA and foreign countries?
Ans. :- Educational qualifications and degrees of Indian Universities are not valid, accredited and accepted in USA. It is because there is a huge difference of the educational system and pattern of education in both countries. Masters Programs offered by the Bhishma School of Indian Knowledge Systems are accredited by IACDSC, USA. The degrees of BSIKS are accepted in USA because they are accredited by an accreditation agency in USA.
13. How Bhishma Masters Programs will benefit students residing in USA ?
Ans. :- USA students will get great benefits by joining Bhishma Masters Programs as they are affilaited in India by CSU and accredited in USA by IACDSC. All Indians in USA should join these programs. Programs will enlighten them as well as bring employment opportunities in various organizations including hospitals, temples, community colleges, community organizations, service organizations, health management organizations and even in corporate sector. Students will be able to work as Hindu Expert, Hindu Counsellor, India Scholar, Kautilya Corporate / Political / Economic Scholar, Vedic Scholar, Hindu Scholar, etc. The spouses of H-1 visa holders can get employment after completing Bhishma Masters Programs.
14. What do the students need to prepare?
Ans. :- For online mode, students require pen, paper, and an inquisitive mind. BSIKS will provide study material and suggest reference material for additional reading and study. Students are expected to refer it and complete their assignment and project work.
15. What will be the language of the study material?
Ans. :- Study Material will be mainly in Hindi. There will be English content also.
16. What will be the language of teaching?
Ans. :- Teaching will be in the Hindi language little mixed with English.
17. Are online sessions interactive?
Ans. :- All our online sessions will be highly interactive ! The student will not only enjoy live video and audio but will be able to interact with the faculty in different ways: There will be 15-20 minutes after every session for Q & A. Students can write questions in the chatbox in the zoom app in an ongoing session. Students can also write mail about the query.
18. Who are the faculties ?
Ans. :- Eminent faculties and scholars are associated with BSIKS from various locations in India and outside India in large numbers. They are learned, studious and motivated. Please visit the following link to know our faculty https://www.bhishmaiks.org/team
19. How will students join the online sessions?
Ans. :- After enrollment, students will receive a confirmation of admission mail. The student will receive an email from the BSIKS support desk, a day before of commencement of the program which will give an access link and code of Zoom meeting.
20. Do I need to download any app for live sessions?
Ans. :- Yes. You need to download Zoom application for live sessions.
21. After Masters Program, will the students be eligible to join Ph.D. programs?
Ans. :- Yes. Masters program is of 84 credits. BSIKS is going to launch PhD programs very soon. Students can join after completing Masters Programs.
22. Where should students contact for queries or for assistance?
Ans. :- For calling: 7875743405; Whatsapp: 7875191270
23. What will be the duration of this Program?
Ans. :- 2 Years – August 2023 to July 2025 – 4 Semester Program
24. When Semester Examination will be conducted?
Ans. :- Written exam will be conducted in the last month of semester and it will be conducted on weekend i.e Saturday & Sunday.
25. Can a student appear for an examination if he missed an examination or failed?
Ans. :- Students can appear for re-examination in the upcoming semester. Fees will be Rs. 1000/- ( For Indian students ) or USD $ 30 ( for Foreign students ) for each paper.
26. What is the refund policy and jurisdiction?
Ans. :- Please note that there will be no refund of any fees after taking the admission in any circumstances. All complaints will have Pune City jurisdiction limit only. Students are advised to study and understand all the instructions, terms and conditions and related information before enrolling for admission and payment of fees.
27. What will be the mode of communication and language for students while communicating with BSIKS office ?
Ans. :- Students can contact BSIKS via whatsApp, email, mobile or by physical visit to office. The language should be Hindi and English.
28. Is there an age limit to joining Masters Program?
Ans. :- No. There is no age limit. Anyone above the age of 18 years, can join the Masters Programs.
29. What is the Credit System recognized internationally bi IACDSC & followed by BSIKS ?
Ans. :- BSIKS is following an internationally recognized credit system as below
Credit System:-
✅ Certificate - 4 Credits - 3 Months Duration
✅ Diploma - 16 Credits - 4 Certificates
✅ Masters Degree - 84 Credits (Standalone)
✅ PhD by Thesis - 140 Credits ( 84 Credits Masters + 56 Credits Thesis )
(PhD program not available yet.)
30. Is BSIKS is having any associations?
Ans. :- Yes. Bhishma is having academic and other associations with many organizations in India and outside India. Few of them are as follows
i) Sakshi Trust, Bengaluru - A Recognized Research Center by Karanataka Sanskrit University
ii) Hindu Council of Australia
iii) Vijnyan Bharati – Vijnyan Gurjari
iv) VBUSS – Vidya Bharati Uchha Shikshan Sansthan
v) IHAR - USA & India
vi) Maharshi Ved Vyas Pratishthan
31. How Masters Programs will be useful to various age groups ? Are they beneficial for currently employed people? If yes, then how ?
Ans. :- Masters Programs offered by Bhishma School of Indian Knowledge System will be useful for all age groups and all sectors of the society. Let us understand that as per the New National Educational Policy, there will be revolution and radical change in the education system in India. Now every UG & PG student has to acquire minimum of 5 % credits from IKS out of the total credits required for achieving total credits for a degree. Apart from this, central government is trying to apply all indigenous, ancient and traditional Indian models based on Indian Knowledge System in every field and every sector of the society, social life, governance, trade, commerce, agriculture, education, health sector, etc. At the other end, we experience that the so called modern western models are getting defeated and failed around us. E.g. Allopathy does not have solutions for many ultra-modern diseases and Ayurveda has a deep sense preventive health. Another example is multinational companies mislead Indian population about the quality of food and drugs. Pantanjali and Ramdev Baba have created examples which are beneficial not only for Indians but for the whole world. Let us understand that the whole country as a whole is getting ready for revival and transformation as ancient traditional glorious India. People with any age group working in any field can join Masters Programs and convert the knowledge into an opportunity in the next few decades. They will be the change leaders and lead the change happening around us. So you may be working in any government organization, teacher, professor, doctor, lawyer, CA, engineer, architect or graduate degree holder in any field you can think about Masters Programs as a supportive or alternative career. It will enlighten you at the individual level and also will help you to create a change in society in a professional way.
32. What are the Global Opportunities from these Masters Programs offered by Bhishma School of Indian Knowledge System ?
Ans. :- Let us understand and accept that due to the respected Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi Ji and his governance, India has achieved global pride and salutation. India has a great image and centre of attraction among the world population. People across the world are very much eager to know about India, its culture, a voyage of civilization, traditions, heritage, etc. Universities in many countries in the world are opening centres for India Study or Centre for Vedic / Hindu Civilization study, etc. There is a global demand for Yog, Ayurved, etc. Now we see that Indian classical music, dance, food, cultural activities are getting popular all over the world. Technology, especially social media is helping for its spread. Indians are getting many higher posts in USA government and USA corporate world as well as many international organizations. Another important benefit is that India is the youngest country in the world. So young Indians will lead and rule the future world. Indians empowered with the foundation of Indian Knowledge System and Hindu Studies are having huge career opportunities all over the globe. Besides, you will see that United Nations and other world organizations are talking about the concept of sustainable development and arguing the world to follow it. This concept of sustainable development is the very basis of Indian Knowledge system and based on Vedic philosophy. Masters Program will help students to become India Scholar, IKS Expert, Hindu Scholar, Hindu Cultural Councellor, Vedic Scholar, Vedic Coach, Kautilya Experts, etc. They all will have global opportunities for next few decades.