गायन / वक्तृत्त्व / डबिंगची आवड असणाऱ्यांसाठी
आवाज (स्वर) संस्कार आणि संवर्धन
ऑनलाइन कार्यशाळा
मार्गदर्शक: योगेश सोमण
अभिनेता, पटकथा लेखक, दिग्दर्शक
संकल्पना: प्रा. क्षितिज पाटुकले
आयोजक: विश्व मराठी परिषद, द्वारा साहित्य सेतू

कुणासाठी अधिक उपयुक्त - खरतर सर्वांसाठी ...ज्यांना अभिनेता, गायक, डबिंग, रेडिओ जॉकी, वक्ता, राजकीयनेता, वकील, राजकीय – सामाजिक कार्यकर्ते, असे करिअर करायचे आहेत तसेच प्राध्यापक, शिक्षक, कीर्तनकार, प्रवचनकार, कलाकार, डॉक्टर, इ. सर्वांसाठी अतिशय उपयुक्त कार्यशाळा...
५ दिवस - रोज १ तास
दि: १४ ते १८ जुलै २०२० वेळ: सायंकाळी ७ ते ८ वा
कार्यशाळेतील मधील मुद्दे:
१) आवाज कुणाचा ? आवाज कशाला ?
२) आवाज हेच भांडवल
३) उत्तम आवाजाची गरज कोणाला ? कलाकार, वकील, नेते, इ. प्रत्येकाला
४) आवाज, स्वर आणि पट्टी यांची ओळख
५) आवजाचा रियाझ, व्यायाम, संरक्षण आणि संवर्धन
६) आवाजामुळे करिअर संधी
Recognised Institute by Central Sanskrit University (RISPE-CSU)

Upcoming Batches :
26 to 29 March 2024
4 Days - 4 Sessions
Evening: 8:00pm to 9:15pm
Language: English
Bhishma School of Indian Knowledge System
About the Workshop
Throughout the country, numerous inscriptions prove that temples served not only as abodes for God but also as preservers of various aspects of Indian culture. For more than three millennia, various rulers and dynasties constructed temples to uphold religion, listing the benefits of temples such as peace, fame, wealth, grain, offspring, and liberation in many scriptures. With a significant decline in temple construction activities over the past 200 years, the science and meaning behind their construction and art have disappeared from public discourse. Today, temples have become merely places of worship for Hindus, most of whom are indifferent to the symbols and meanings of the sculptures engraved on temple walls. Every design and statue in a Hindu temple is created for a purpose, conveying a codified message to future generations, which is now lost. The temples that once elevated humanity spiritually, materially, and divinely through art have become mere structures due to ignorance. This workshop will provide insights into the art crafted on temple walls and teach techniques to recognize the hidden messages conveyed by these statues, despite the destruction/looting during Islamic invasions.
Your Instructor
K.P. Umapathy Acharya

Hereditary Architect
Director, Institute of Sacred Architecture, Kumbakonam
Topics covered in the Workshop
Introduction to Indian Iconography
Development of Indian Iconography
Literary sources of Sculpture (Vedas, Epics, Tantric Literature)
Physical sources of Sculpture (Coins, Inscriptions, Paintings, Statues)
Classification of Sculpture
Mudras (Body, Feet, Hand) - Introduction and Types
Introduction to Weapons and Vehicles of Deities
Aditya, Agni, Navagrahas, Ashtadikpalas, etc.
Vishnu and His Forms, Wives of Vishnu, Hayagriva, Garuda, etc.
Shiva, Types of Shiva Linga, Various Forms of Shiva, Nandi, Guardians, etc.
Brahma, Shakti, Saptamatrika, Apsaras, Saptarishi, Nagas, etc.
Divine Statues in Greater India
What you will benifit from the Workshop
Introduction to the diminishing branch of Iconography.
Understanding temples beyond just places of worship.
Knowledge of Indian Iconography and its glory.
Introduction to our history and culture preserved through statues.
Knowledge on the classification of sculpture and how it is preserved.
Introduction to various deities and their forms.
Introduction to the literary and physical sources of Indian Iconography.
Knowledge of the contemporary social situation, various sects, and religious practices through sculpture.
Knowledge of the antiquity of Indian culture spread across Greater India.
Understanding the importance of this heritage in the present time and the messages hidden within it.
Information about the opportunities and achievements available in Iconography.
✅ विशेषज्ञ मार्गदर्शक
✅ मार्गदर्शन एवं प्रश्नोत्तरी
✅ सभी प्रतिभागियों को ई-प्रमाणपत्र
✅ झुम लाइव्ह क्लास + रेकॉर्डिंग्स (Lifetime Access)
Important :
Registration once made will not be cancelled or refunded for any reason. It can be transferred to another person or workshop.
Click on "Register now" to confirm your registration and pay the workshop fee online.
Zoom Class Link and Details will shared on WhatsApp and Email 4-6 Hours before the Workshop
Workshop Fee :
Contact for any inquiries -
WhatsApp: 7875191270
(Call) Mo: 7875743405 / 8788243526
Email: namaste@bhishmaiks.org
Office Address:
622, Janaki Raghunath, Pulachi Wadi,Near Z Bridge, Deccan Gymkhana, Pune - 411004 MH, Bharat
Google Map 📍 - Click here
About Bhishma School of Indian Knowledge Systems...
Bhishma School of Indian Knowledge System (BSIKS) is a Pioneer institute in the field of IKS and Hindu Studies. We conduct Online Courses - Certificate Courses, Masters Programs, Webinars, and workshops based on IKS, Hindu studies, Ancient Indian Vedic Wisdom, True Indian History, Art, Culture, Vedic Literature, Science, Technology, and Ancient Civilization.