गायन / वक्तृत्त्व / डबिंगची आवड असणाऱ्यांसाठी
आवाज (स्वर) संस्कार आणि संवर्धन
ऑनलाइन कार्यशाळा
मार्गदर्शक: योगेश सोमण
अभिनेता, पटकथा लेखक, दिग्दर्शक
संकल्पना: प्रा. क्षितिज पाटुकले
आयोजक: विश्व मराठी परिषद, द्वारा साहित्य सेतू

कुणासाठी अधिक उपयुक्त - खरतर सर्वांसाठी ...ज्यांना अभिनेता, गायक, डबिंग, रेडिओ जॉकी, वक्ता, राजकीयनेता, वकील, राजकीय – सामाजिक कार्यकर्ते, असे करिअर करायचे आहेत तसेच प्राध्यापक, शिक्षक, कीर्तनकार, प्रवचनकार, कलाकार, डॉक्टर, इ. सर्वांसाठी अतिशय उपयुक्त कार्यशाळा...
५ दिवस - रोज १ तास
दि: १४ ते १८ जुलै २०२० वेळ: सायंकाळी ७ ते ८ वा
कार्यशाळेतील मधील मुद्दे:
१) आवाज कुणाचा ? आवाज कशाला ?
२) आवाज हेच भांडवल
३) उत्तम आवाजाची गरज कोणाला ? कलाकार, वकील, नेते, इ. प्रत्येकाला
४) आवाज, स्वर आणि पट्टी यांची ओळख
५) आवजाचा रियाझ, व्यायाम, संरक्षण आणि संवर्धन
६) आवाजामुळे करिअर संधी
Recognised Institute by Central Sanskrit University (RISPE-CSU)

3 Month Online Certificate Course
Ancient Indian Science & Technology
Thursday to saturday
Online Live Sessions + Q&A
4 Credit Course
Language - English
80 Min per Day

International Certification in Indology and Indian Knowledge Systems
Course Fee
Indian Students ₹ 6000/-
Foreign Students US$150
2500+ Minutes of Content + Q & A + eBook Study Material
Live Classes + Recordings Available
[Assignments + Online MCQ Exam]
Course Duration
16 June to 20 August 2022
(Thursday to Saturday)
Evening: 8:00pm to 9:20pm (IST)
30 Sessions x 80 Minutes
To get Course details on your WhatsApp click on the number 👉🏻 7875191270 and send message
Please click here if you are Foreign Student.
What You'll Learn ?
Course Introduction: The glorious tradition of science and technology existed in India for thousands of years. There are many examples. PushpakViman is just a glimpse. Our clothing and garments (such as the Malmal of Dhaka) attracted the attention of the whole world. Kanhaiya was the owner of a very big yacht; after whom Vasco da Gama reached Kalikat. Metallurgy was so advanced that it did not rust for hundreds of years. The knowledge of physics and chemistry was so much that gold was made from any ordinary metal. Planetary and astronomical knowledge was so much that the earth is round and the distance between the sun and the moon was measured by our ancestors. How the eclipses happen, the speed of the constellations, the creation of the universe etc. all these subjects were discussed here by ordinary people too. The health system from Ayurveda (in which the first surgeon likes Sushruta) was created in India. Zero and Decimal system is a priceless gift of India to the world. Geometry and algebra, Madhava principles were prevalent in India. Indians were proficient in biology, tree Ayurveda, environment, animal science, elephant and horse science, martial arts, weapons and warfare, city building, sewage system, water management, mining work, ironwork, gemology. We have lost a lot not known how but due to the inferiority complex and dastardly invasions and due to the policies of the British. Now we have to revive the science and technology of India. It is necessary for every Indian to have knowledge of this glorious Indian science and technology tradition.
What you will learn from this Course ?
Origin & Sources of Science in Ancient India
Application of Science & Technology in Ancient Indian Civilization
Introduction to Various Types of Sciences in Ancient India
Indian Contribution to World in Science & Technology
Introduction to Scientist Rishis like Aryabhatta, Bhaskaracharya, Varahamihir,
Introduction to Literature related to Science
Knowledge of Mathematics, Astronomy, Physics, Chemistry, etc
Knowledge of Architecture, Engineering, Town Planning, Ship Building, etc
Ancient Health Management Systems through Home Remedies
Vimana & Vimana Shastra, Mining, Metallurgy, Geology, Gemology
Topics Covered
Science and Technology in Ancient India
Science in Sacred text
Linguistic Science - Language, Lipi, Grammar, Phonetics, Logic
Physical Sciences – Physics, Chemistry, Energy, Maths, Cosmology, Astronomy, Weaponry, Military Science, Geography
Biological Sciences – Agriculture, Veterinary, Forestry, Vruksh Ayurved, Irrigation and Water Management
Ancient Mathematics, Geometry and Algebra
Ancient Architecture and Engineering including Metrics, Civil, Construction, Mechanical, Town planning, Drainage, Ship building
Health Science – Ayurved, Surgery, Yoga
Earth Science for example - Mining, Metallurgy, Geology, Environment, Gemology
Viman Vidya
Contact for any enquiries - WhatsApp: 7875191270 / Call: 7875743405
Mon To Sat (10 am to 8 pm)
About Bhishma School of Indic Studies...
Bhishma School of Indic Studies conducts Online Certificate Courses based on Ancient Indian Vedic Wisdom, True Indian History, Art, Culture, Literature, Science, Technology, Ancient Civilization.
This Course includes...
40 Hrs of Live Training on GMeet
Q & A Sessions
Study Material in eBook format
Guidance for Career / Research Opportunities
Digital Certification By BSIS
To confirm your Admission click on "Enroll Now" and Pay the amount with Form.
Students across the Globe can Join this Course.
You can pay amount Online by Credit/Debit Cards/ Net Banking/ UPI - BHIM, GPay, PhonePay.
You will receive Class details one day before the date on your email.
Amount once paid is not refundable. Can be adjusted in next batch or can be shifted to another course.
Who are the Mentors and Faculties ?
Chief Mentors:
Swami Govinddev Giri (Treasurer, Ram Janmabhumi Trust)
Rajiv Malhotra (Founder, Infinity Foundation, USA)
Prof. Dr. Ravindra Kulkarni (Eminent Mathematician, USA)
Padmabhushan Vijay Bhatkar (Founder, Multiversity)
Dr. Vasant Shinde (Renowned Archaeologist)
Prof. Bhagyalata Pataskar (Eminent Indologist)
Experienced Faculties:
Satish Kulkarni, Vidyadhar Vaidya, Balbhadra Upadhyay, Narendra Joshi, Dr. Shashikant Katre, Dr. B. N. Jagtap, Dr. Renuka Goyal, Pandit Vikas Kashalkar, Prof. Prashant Holay
❓ How should I prepare for this
Pen, Paper and an inquisitive mind is all you need to understand the concepts of Ancient Indian Science and Technology.
❓ Is online class interactive or only one-sided?
All our online courses are highly interactive!
You will not only enjoy live video and audio but also interact with the trainer in 4 different ways:
1. Last 15-20 minutes of every lecture will Q&A session.
2. You can write questions in Chatbox which are visible to other participants, Faculties will answer those questions.
❓ Who will conduct the Course ?
This live Course will be conducted by BSIS. Know more about us in "About" section.
❓ How will I join the online class on schedule?
Post-booking, you will receive an email from the BSIS support desk a day before every class. Wherein, you will be given an access link and meet Code.
❓ From where will these live classes be broadcasted?
This live course will be broadcasted and controlled primarily from BSIS Office at Pune. Faculties will join from their own places.
❓ Do I need to download any app for this live Course?
Yes ! Please download the Google Meet application. Post-booking, You will see the Link. If you do not see link don't worry, You will receive detail instruction and link through email with class details.
All rights reserved © 2020 Bhishma School of Indic Studies
Address- 622, Janaki Raghunath, Pulachi Wadi, Near Z Bridge, Deccan Gymkhana, Pune
E-mail - namaste@bhishmaindics.org
Call us - 7875743405 Available only on Mon To Sat (10 am to 7 pm)