The Study of Indian History and Culture - Vol - 13 of 18 General Editor - Shripad Kulkarni The Indians are fortunate in that they can claim unbroken continuity of their culture right from the hoary antiquity And we have a further surprise in store for us The Vedas, the foundational scriptures ol mankind, have come down to our forefathers of 1.000 years before, from their ancestors of the still earlier epoch The point is that the perfection of the Civilization that the Vedas represent is still a thing ol greater antiquity So the culture which the Vedas now portray is deducible from that of the earlier One The Vedas, therefore represent the stage of perfection which their culture had reached As that great French philosopher Voltaire has summed up in a very pithy and appropriate sentence VIZ Of the Indians had remained unknown to the Tartars and to us, they would have been the happiest people in the world The percentage of school-going children then was the same as now, namely 35% of the total school-going population. More than 68% of these school-going boys belonged to the classes now designated as backward Even untouchables were teachers then. A fair number of girls used to get education in schools separate from the boys Education was not denied to any one who desired by the wily Brahmins as is the general impression Even the Vedas were taught to whosoever showed aptitude and inclination to undergo the hard and rigorous discipline to learn these. Even the boys from the Brahmana families were denied Vedic education if they did not undergo the rigorous discipline imposed on such students In contrast in England the percentage of school going population was hardly 5% There had arisen a Newton among the Pro. Play Brahmanas five thousand years ago Fair (FOR London) Published on 1997 Available in ENGLISH and MARATHI Hardcover, Pages: 380 Publisher: Shri Bhagwan Vedvyasa Itihasa Samshodhana Mandir (BHISHMA)
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गायन / वक्तृत्त्व / डबिंगची आवड असणाऱ्यांसाठी
आवाज (स्वर) संस्कार आणि संवर्धन
ऑनलाइन कार्यशाळा
मार्गदर्शक: योगेश सोमण
अभिनेता, पटकथा लेखक, दिग्दर्शक
संकल्पना: प्रा. क्षितिज पाटुकले
आयोजक: विश्व मराठी परिषद, द्वारा साहित्य सेतू

कुणासाठी अधिक उपयुक्त - खरतर सर्वांसाठी ...ज्यांना अभिनेता, गायक, डबिंग, रेडिओ जॉकी, वक्ता, राजकीयनेता, वकील, राजकीय – सामाजिक कार्यकर्ते, असे करिअर करायचे आहेत तसेच प्राध्यापक, शिक्षक, कीर्तनकार, प्रवचनकार, कलाकार, डॉक्टर, इ. सर्वांसाठी अतिशय उपयुक्त कार्यशाळा...
५ दिवस - रोज १ तास
दि: १४ ते १८ जुलै २०२० वेळ: सायंकाळी ७ ते ८ वा
कार्यशाळेतील मधील मुद्दे:
१) आवाज कुणाचा ? आवाज कशाला ?
२) आवाज हेच भांडवल
३) उत्तम आवाजाची गरज कोणाला ? कलाकार, वकील, नेते, इ. प्रत्येकाला
४) आवाज, स्वर आणि पट्टी यांची ओळख
५) आवजाचा रियाझ, व्यायाम, संरक्षण आणि संवर्धन
६) आवाजामुळे करिअर संधी
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